Sunday, February 3, 2013

Quit smoking

Accept that there are plenty of reasons to stop smoking. Have not you had enough to live endangering his health and those around you, including family and people close?
Smoking causes many diseases and many of them, unfortunately, lead to a fatal end.
Most smokers need to understand that smoking can cause lung cancer and heart disease.
And they are not unique diseases that threaten the health of smokers.

Smokers die younger.

Researchers have found that male smokers lost due to smoking about 13 years of life, when all 15 women! In other words, most smokers do not live as long as those who do not smoke. On average smokers live about 10-20 years less.
Smoking causes cancer.
9 out of 10 cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking. Smoking also causes other types of cancer. There is a high risk of "winning" tongue cancer, laryngeal cancer, gastric, esophageal, etc.
Smoking makes breathing more difficult
and may appear bronchitis or enfizem. People suffering from this disease have difficulty breathing, feel shortness of breath after running a short distance, rises the stairs or do something around the house. This is often accompanied by dyspnea, cough persistent paote not be cured, and disappears completely only if the person is left smoking.

It is shown that smokers have 2 times more likely to suffer a heart attack than non-smokers. Smoking can cause other heart diseases such as arterial sclerosis.

Quitting smoking greatly reduces the risk of all cancers, heart disease and respiratory system.
How to improve your health if you stop smoking.
20 minutes after the last cigarette: Blood pressure will return to normal pulse ff.
Over 8 hours after stopping smoking: Oxygen level will rise to normal levels, risk of heart attack will decrease.
12 hours: Carbon monoxide level in your body is reduced greatly.
Over 24 hours: Carbon monoxide begins to remove from the body and lungs start to get rid of nicotine and tar.
Over 36 hours: Nerves that were destroyed by smoking begin to rehabilitate.
Over 48 hours: All nicotine is eliminated from the body. Sense of smell and taste begin to improve.
Over 72 hours: Breathe easy, dyspnea disappears, increases energy levels.
2-12 weeks: It improves blood circulation throughout the body.
3-9 months: breathing difficulties will disappear, your lung condition is improved by 5-10%.
More than 5 years after quitting smoking: Risk of heart attack is reduced by half!
Over 10 years: With 50% less likely to experience lung cancer than if you were smoking.
Why is it so hard to quit smoking?
To stop smoking - no doubt is one of the most difficult things you have ever done. It is difficult psychologically, especially if you have smoked for many years, and have a high level of dependence on nicotine.
It is never late to quit smoking! Even if you smoke for 40 years, health and quality of life will improve once you do this step.
If you really have a sincere desire to stop smoking - a ve you do!


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